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  • ashmi

    MemberJul 22, 2011's realy it saves r time to calculate the large cube roots....thnxxx........😀

    tell us if u hv sme mre intresting ideas like dis.......😀
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJul 22, 2011

    @Ashmi : Please donot use sms language.

    This method only works for those numbers that have cube roots ( as integers).
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJul 23, 2011

    Nice... But it is not working for numbers other than cubes!!! 😔
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberJul 23, 2011

    It won't work for numbers greater than 100^3.

    But, we very rarely encounter such huge numbers anyway.. So, it's a very neat way to find cube roots fast.

    Good!! 😀
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