  • avi2

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    How many of you run blogs?

    I just curious, who are all CEans are actively into blogging.

    Whats your blog about?
    How often do you write? being an engineering student and maintaining a blog is quite a daunting task.
    And lastly, I also want to know how much you are paying for web hosting. For CS students it may be easy to find free hosting (github, heroku etc), but for non CS students those methods would be difficult.

    I guess posting your blog link would be a bad idea, this thread may get filled with spam. So please avoid doing that. But you will have it in your sig, so that gives a chance to check it out ;-)
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    Well I blog about a lot of things. I come across anything interesting and I want to share, I hit it. If I think some of my experiences need to be shared, still I hit it.
    Maintaining them is really a pain combining a lot of other activities.

    Other question about cost of blog hosting: Well. I got some resources at my disposal which may or may not help me in evading such petty expenses. 😛

    PS: You will find a link to my blogs here in my sig.
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  • durga ch

    MemberSep 3, 2014

    blogging does consume lot of resources .I used it as a technical note book , but unfortunately don't end up updating it regularly. though i am with godaddy+wordpress i am planning to migrate to gitpages soon.
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  • avii

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    I actively maintain two blogs:

    1. I write 60% about programming, 30% about startups/entrepreneurship, 10% about anything that would interest a developer.
    2. Purely anonymous blog about politics and controversial posts. I do not post regularly, last two article were about pre and post election. And before that, posts were in 2012. Still it gets lots of traffic and people keep fighting in comments 😛

    Weekly, one article.

    Currently I am hosting it on Linode VPS. I started with free blogspot, moved to Git pages, moved to wordpress + shared hosting and now using Linode VPS. I am using Linode since 2012 and I think I am paying 40USD/month. (Not sure, I will have to check.)

    though i am with godaddy+wordpress i am planning to migrate to gitpages soon.
    Instead I would suggest Openshift and install Wordpress. Better than gitpages
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  • durga ch

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# : that sounds interesting, i was almost about to ask about amazon webservices, when I saw the video clarifying that amazon aws is not a PaaS.
    40$pm sounds a bit too much, any reason why you dont suggest gitpages?? oh! and the 'open'ness these days! , openshift,open stack, open flow…

    also, considering that you have interest in python, if you can share your blog link, I can bookmark it
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  • avii

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    No, I am paying 40USD for my blogs, you don't have to pay that much!

    OpenShift is free for small blogs, thats why I suggested. The reason I suggested against git pages is they are purely static. And for comments you have to rely on Disqus. And you already know about Wordpress, so I thought Openshift would be better.

    EC2 is IaaS and Openshift is PaaS.

    - Openshift is free, enough for 50K traffic
    - easy to setup/config
    - works well with wordpress
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 4, 2014

    What's wrong with using wordpress with a custom domain? You get rid of all the hosting related issues.
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  • avii

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    ^thats costly for a beginner. There's nothing wrong. If you don't mind spending, then its good.

    Most of the CEans are students, so budget is quite important ;-)
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  • durga ch

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# - I see . But how about Jekyll + gitpages?
    Though I could not get Jekyll running , I wanted to try hosting on gitpages.

    P.S:40$PM was w.r.t to you . I am currently paying go daddy 100$PY
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  • avii

    MemberSep 4, 2014

    gitpages will be always static, whether you use Jekyll or something else.
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  • avi2

    MemberSep 5, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    What's wrong with using wordpress with a custom domain? You get rid of all the hosting related issues.
    But its 99USD/month

    I am currently paying go daddy 100$PY
    Are you able to utilize the disk space and bandwidth to fullest?
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  • durga ch

    MemberSep 5, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# : not really , and now that I have an exhaustive schedule i don't want to pay for a dormant blog. I am wishing to find some time to update it.
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  • avi2

    MemberSep 6, 2014

    ^then free solutions like openshift might be a good idea.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 6, 2014

    But its 99USD/month

    Are you able to utilize the disk space and bandwidth to fullest?
    It's only $13.00 per domain, per year; for the domains that you own already. If you want to start with a new domain bought from WordPress itself, it's only $18/domain/year. I think that's totally cheap and worth it - because it takes away the entire pain of managing traffic, server issues, software updates, bandwidth etc.

    An engineering student who pays ~ $1800-2000 per year can definitely pay $18 for a year to have his/her blog hosted on WordPress. Plus, there are several great looking free themes available in WordPress market that one can easily use to provide a custom look to their blog.

    Even if that looks costly - I'd strongly recommend hosting a blog on Tumblr. I think they provide mapping free of charge: #-Link-Snipped-# .
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