  • We all know that day by day new technologies are evolving and old systems and methods were replaced by new technologies,methods.I want to know , how many of you are prefering OLD , RIGID MECHANICAL KEYS OVER modern REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, SMART LOCK, KEYLESS START, ETC.It may sound simple but I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of it.
    My verdict:
    I will go for old keys because it is more reliable than new technical one, more safer from breach.
    I dont prefer the above stated modern techs for safety in cars because
    • They can be hacked remotely,
    • Can't be relied because it can fail due to electronic
    If you oppose, prove by posting reliable info
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  • zaveri

    MemberOct 6, 2013

    I prefer the traditional mechanical key, because first and foremost it is reliable and safe

    second, i do not trust the electronic stuff, because there are people out there who know how to defy it, and secondly, this requires electric power which is kind of scarce nowadays.
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  • KenJackson

    MemberOct 12, 2013

    When I first started seeing people use those keyless entry clickers I wanted to do the same. It seemed very cool, and certainly convenient.

    But then when I bought a car that had them, I quickly decided I didn't want to carry an extra thing in my pocket. I already carry too much. Plus, twice I set off my alarm by bending over with the clicker in my tight pants. So now I only carry my metal key. But that causes a new problem.

    Years ago, if I drove a bunch of friends somewhere, when we got there everyone would lock the door when they got out of my car or ask me if I wanted it locked. No more. NO ONE EVER locks the door when they get out of my car. No one even asks. Everyone just assumes that I'll take care of that with my clicker, which I don't carry.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberOct 13, 2013

    NO ONE EVER locks the door when they get out of my car. No one even asks. Everyone just assumes that I'll take care of that with my clicker, which I don't carry.
    That's funny!!!
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