How long should be notice period in companies?

I've often believed that once an employee resigns, the max notice period should be one week. However, in the industry, the notice period usually varies from one month for junior positions to over 3 months for senior positions.

How long do you think the notice period should be and why?

PS: Lot of company HRs read CE forums and your inputs may give them some insights.


  • durga ch
    durga ch
    *given a chance* - would wake up one fine day and call up who-so-ever concerned ans say " I QUIT".
    on the formal side - may be 1 month - not more. I don't think IT processes take more than a month - nor knowledge transfer process more than month. Unless we do it we anyways wont understand.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    From my viewpoint, one month is 'too long'! Once the employee puts down the papers; she/he is no longer interested in working (IMHO 😀 ) , so what's the point in having them to work? 15 days max, assuming the employee has to transfer huge amount of knowledge to the incoming employee!
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    that is what!! 1 month is long , but I don't think any clearances can be done in 15 days- given the pace at which people work and so many unnecessary dependencies . But What is the main motive of having 6 months notice period I have no clue. I mean ??? are they going to appraise me then?

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