How does this website earn money? And how many engineers have signed up during that referral contest?

Please let us know how you guys earn money? Is this website a passive income? and also please tell us your journey from the bottom. 

We want to know you guys better. 


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare

    CrazyEngineers primarily makes money through online advertisements displayed on the site. As of now; we've disabled the advertisements are are trying out a new business model in the form of products and services. Our vision is to build CE into a platform where every engineer gets any help they need. 

    The version that you currently see on the site is the upgraded version (launched on May 18, 2018). Until then we were primarily an online discussion forum. 

    The Super Referral contest was our 'pilot' project done at a small scale to evaluate an upcoming initiative. We got a a little over 800 sign-ups through the contest.

    If you have the time: You could read -

    1. The Story Of CrazyEngineers - How CE Came To Life

    2. Kaustubh Katdare, Creator , CrazyEngineers

  • Vivek Rai
    Vivek Rai

    Great story!! I loved it❤️? 

    I will invite more and more people to join this website so that they can learn many more things. 

  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare

    Thank you. Just added part II of the story ? 

You are reading an archived discussion.

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