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  • lal

    MemberDec 10, 2011

    I am not sure about the blades.
    But i think, ordinary induction motor will be enough for this purpose. And since its electric motor, electricity may ofcourse be used to power it. Then there should be a firm metallic frame that is insulated from the user. And also a protective cover over the blades. This should be the basic and most important parts i guess.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberDec 10, 2011

    You must be aware that hundreds of thousands of various injuries are caused by existing grass cutting tools across the world. All these conform to applicable safety standards. This is a serious business and not to be undertaken lightly. I would strongly recommend that you study the applicable standards and safety requirements for such equipment before embarking on the design.
    It is very difficult to design the hardware first and add on safety afterwards.
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  • lal

    MemberDec 10, 2011

    But when starting from nothing, sir, i think its not possible to make out all the possible accidents and problems.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberDec 10, 2011

    That is right. However, if you are planning to become a design engineer, it is better to get into the habit of finding out what standards are applicable and match them.
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