How about a CE referral rewards program?

Hello everyone...

We can try to introduce a CE REFERRAL REWARDS PROGRAM. In this program existing members Beyond a certain rank will be entitled to referrals. They will be able to refer there friends and colleagues to CE. The number of referrals allowed per month will be limited but will increase as the rank goes up. For referring memberss to CE, there will be some reward in the form of referral points which will affect the member's rank slowly (increasing it).

Also as the referred member continues posting, the person who had initially referred this member to CE would be awarded with bonus referral points.

This will increase the number of s and encourage members to introduce people to CE. Since this referral will be allowed only after the member has achieved a certain rank, it will ensure that the members are responsible enough to refer good and active members to CE.


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Yep, a good suggestion & this is on the list for long time. I'm highlighting this in my notepad for possible inclusion in our next big upgrade.

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