we have seen that many realy talented people get eliminated in the group discussion round in a hiring process.Yes I accept that it is too important for a management position but how it can affect a person who competes for a employee job.Do you support my view?
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In a company or anywhere, an Engineer have to work in team. He/She should be good in communication with his/her colleague. Engineer have to share the opinion on the project they're doing together. So, I think that GD is not just for 'Management' position. GD determines whether an Engineer is team-worker or solo-worker.
And I firmly believe, Team-work > Solo-work.
GD helps in problem solving much. Each candidate is asked to take this to see how much and what way he can take the debate into. while GD is conducted the topic is discussed,analysed and evaluated.and the candidate also evaluated from that.it also tests our knowledge and communication skills 😀
GD tells the employer whether you are able to tolerate the opinions of each and every member in the GD. This helps the Employer much in giving you the right post in your place of appointment
You can see that some newbs get promoted much easily to project leads than others This difference comes out mostly due to the combination of Skills in technical stuff and effective communication among your team mates
GD doesn't have to be about the topic alone. It should show your involvement. The ability to listen, analyse and interpret a conclusion to the topic put forth is a must. While you're involved in a GD, the interviewer looks at how you try to listen as well as grab the attention of all your fellow participants to bring about an effective conclusion. Fighting and making noise is not an option. An eye to eye contact with the participants as well as with the interviewer can boost your chances of excelling in a GD. And don't go about explaining your ideas fast, take your time and say things at your own pace which people can listen and understand. Putting in a little smart wittiness can also enhance your overall appeal.☕