  • pradypop

    MemberJun 28, 2006

    HI from Pradeep

    I am re-introducing my-self upon advice of Biggie...

    Name: Pradeep Kumar

    Proffession : Engineer

    Work Place: Sigma Solutions, Hyderabad.

    Role in organization : Founder, MD and Mentor.

    Technical intrests: C, C++, RTOS, Linux Internals, Networking, Distributed Systems, Device Drivers, ARM , MCS-51, SoC, FPGA...

    Career Summary: Worked with SLG Technologies as developer, then with MCPPL as ISO-QSP, QSM consultant and a working partner. Then established Sigma Solutions as a Training, development and consulting firm.
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  • crook

    MemberJun 28, 2006

    welcome to the forums pradeep. your posts were really good. especially those on time travel.

    we look forward to more such posts !

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