Member • Jan 7, 2009
Help me with this C problem
#include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { FILE *train, *weights,*test ; char ch ; train = fopen ( "Train.txt", "r" ) ; if ( train == NULL ) { puts ( "Cannot open source file" ) ; return 0 ; } test = fopen ( "Test.txt", "r" ) ; if ( test == NULL ) { puts ( "Cannot open source file" ) ; return 0 ; } weights = fopen ( "Weights.txt", "w" ) ; if ( weights == NULL ) { puts ( "Cannot open target file" ) ; fclose ( weights ) ; return 0 ; } int i=0,vektori=0,nevroni=0; while ( i<=3 ) { i++; ch = fgetc ( train ) ; if ( ch == EOF ) break ; else { if(i==1) vektori=atoi(&ch); if(i==3) nevroni=atoi(&ch); } } int x=1,y=1,a[100][100],w[100][100]; char c; while(1) { ch = fgetc ( train ) ; if ( ch == EOF ) break ; if(ch!=10) { a[x][y]=atoi(&ch); if(y==nevroni) { x++; y=0; } y++; } } int pomos=1,mnozenje=0,s; for(int k=1;k<=nevroni;k++) { for(int l=1;l<=nevroni;l++) { if(k!=l) { while(pomos<=vektori) { mnozenje+=a[pomos][k]*a[pomos][l]; pomos++; } printf("%d",mnozenje); w[k][l]=mnozenje; c=(char)mnozenje; ________________________________________________________________ fputc ( mnozenje, weights ) ;//here is the problem ________________________________________________________________ mnozenje=0; pomos=1; } } } fclose (train) ; fclose (weights); fclose (test); scanf("%d",s); return 0; }