  • nitijain_7

    MemberSep 5, 2008

    Help me with my CV

    please suggest me some thing for my topic of interest(confused between microprocessor or principle of comm.) for my cv........... actually i want to know which has a better scope............
    please some body help me prepare my self for the forth coming company recruitments.........
    ain need........
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 5, 2008

    Hi Niti,

    I'm not too sure what exactly you are looking for. You want to add something to your CV - but that would be disastrous if you do not know about the subject. Any interviewer will ask you questions based around what you've mentioned in your CV.

    Could you please clarify so that we can help?
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  • gauds

    MemberSep 7, 2008

    You better put the topic you are strong as in the interview they will be asking mainly about that only.
    all the best for your placements
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