  • this is a question from franklin f. kuo's book (network analysis and synthesis)
    1.8) suppose the response of a linear system to an excitation e(t) were r(t) = 3exp(-4t). what would the response be to an excitation of e(t-2) ?

    please help me do this sum. thank you. 😔
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  • abhirv

    MemberJul 2, 2011

    if its an LTI system then even the output will be shifted by the same amount as o/p willbe r(t-2)..!!
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  • Bishshoy Das

    MemberJul 3, 2011

    if its an LTI system then even the output will be shifted by the same amount as o/p willbe r(t-2)..!!
    yes but you have assumed time invariance, which is not mentioned in the problem ! linear systems need not be time invariant !
    also if i suppose the response is r(t-2) then the waveform changes. the waveform r(t) and r(t-2) are not same.

    3exp(-4*(t-2)) = r(t)*exp(8) !

    anybody else wanna help me.
    please post a mathematical solution than a logical analysis.
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  • Bishshoy Das

    MemberJul 4, 2011

    anybody wanna give the sum a try
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