  • I am doing a Wireless ECG. I get the ECG signal and I transmit it via FM. Once I input the ecg signal to the FM transmitter input the CRO automatically displays frequencies in MHz range even without any link/connection from the circuit to the CRO. The trace goes away when I remove the ground connection from the Fm transmitter and comes only when I connect the ground clip back to the transmitter ground! I am using a Transcend MP3 player as the FM receiver.
    What could be wrong?
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  • nasrin

    MemberJan 23, 2009

    I am doing a Wireless ECG. I get the ECG signal and I transmit it via FM. Once I input the ecg signal to the FM transmitter input the CRO automatically displays frequencies in MHz range even without any link/connection from the circuit to the CRO. The trace goes away when I remove the ground connection from the Fm transmitter and comes only when I connect the ground clip back to the transmitter ground! I am using a Transcend MP3 player as the FM receiver.
    What could be wrong?
    hai kavin.....grounding is very important in every connection.if not properly grounded some problems may excess current will flow through the ground and your equipments might not get damaged.
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberJan 28, 2009

    chack ground as well as open wiring ,,,
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