Member • Feb 14, 2010
Hello from Iceland
My name is Sandra and I am currently in my second year (out of three) studying undergraduate Mechatronic Engineering in Reykjavik University, Iceland.
My current hobby is dancing, and I would love to join an acting class someday. I am also trying to learn the flags and capital cities of all the countries in the world (Europe done, Africa almost done, Asia next).
In the future I would like to be a part of a design group for automation systems (I hope this is the right word, but to be clear I am not talking about cars). This whole idea of smart systems and high technology fascinates me 😀
I bumped into this site while searching for an online engineer's community, because I want to find some other ambitious engineers out there whom I can talk to, or ask for help when in need. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Sandra T