  • Kaustubh

    MemberJun 6, 2009

    Height of stupidity

    Few of the people sent their questions to Dr. Wolfram through mail to me. I received following question -

    Good evening Sir, I would want a small write up on steam distillation and the derivation of vaporisation efficiency...I would be really grateful to you ...
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  • gohm

    MemberJun 6, 2009

    You should have made it more clear in the announcement he was providing off-topic white papers for free! laugh only kidding. It does take all kinds to make the world go round I guess.
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  • durga ch

    MemberJun 7, 2009


    they did mess up the ask questions session this time :rollingeyes:
    Everytime you say that project ideas were to be borrowed, I thought may be a little exaggeration was involved. No..

    I saw it this time. Its really way too out of my imaginations.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 7, 2009

    This is not the first time. That's why I really think 1000 times before starting "Ask questions to" thread.

    We were interviewing Mr. Burt Rutan of Virgin Galactic and I expected awesome questions from our members. That thread too was flooded with "Give me project idea" type queries.

    What worries me is that these threads are watched by the PRs of the companies we contact and sometimes also by the person we are interviewing. I know they don't leave the community with a good impression about us.

    This is one of the prime reasons why lot of talented engineers, who were once active here, left CE.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    Biggie, can't we moderate the posts on those threads? 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 7, 2009

    Yes, we can. I guess that seems to be the best option. Anyway. We've a lesson learnt here.
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    And what surprises me is that these people feel sure that the person we are interviewing will have time to answer their queries about college projects.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    We should give access to members who crossed 100 posts (got some maturity what and when to post on forums), for "Ask questions to.." thread. For all other members they can PM to moderators.

    For now Biggi can you delete/edit all the non-sense posts.

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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    I missed few of my stupid questions in that thread . Thread Closed now. 😔

    I know they don't leave the community with a good impression about us.
    This is one of the prime reasons why lot of talented engineers, who were once active here, left CE.
    That's why maintenance and quality matters a lot. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 7, 2009

    We should give access to members who crossed 100 posts (got some maturity what and when to post on forums), for "Ask questions to.." thread. For all other members they can PM to moderators.

    For now Biggi can you delete/edit all the non-sense posts.

    Not sure if this is a good idea. There are people who'd come to know about CE through the thread. It'd be wrong to deny them the permission to ask questions.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    But somewhere we need to dicide on a dividing line between Quality and Quantity.

    If you observe the guyz with less then 10 posts, posted absurd questions. All other questions were relevant. So, for me in order to maintain qualilty of atleast these threads which we are going to show to greats (to whom we are going interview) we should decide on something.

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  • silverscorpion

    MemberJun 8, 2009

    Moderating the threads in question seems to be the best option.

    As biggie said, denying permission on account of number of posts doesn't seem to be a good idea.
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberJun 8, 2009

    But CB has a point here. I remember an engineer from Scalix had registered on CE to answer questions live. But no good questions were asked. How about following the blog way? If a member with less than 10 posts tries to ask some thing, his post will be accepted but not displayed in the section. A message will appear that the post is awaiting moderation. We can solve the problem this way. What say?
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 8, 2009

    Great suggestion !!

    Just a another way of doing the same thing..

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 8, 2009

    That' would be bit difficult to implement in the current system. Instead we may ask select members to contribute questions through email.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 8, 2009

    I have not seen a single example that person with less then 10 posts, post some good relevant questions...

    Nice suggestion Biggi..

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