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  • Richard O'Connor

    MemberJul 13, 2011

    Re: Greetings!

    Hi Richard we are having problem with our heat exchanger.. what is the best way to fix steam leak on the coil?

    Hi Elmer, steam coil heat exchangers aren't something we generally get involved in due to the PED regulations. With steam we would normally work with a Plate Heat Exchanger.

    Is your coil like this one in the picture? #-Link-Snipped-#
    If so, then a leaking coil tube will need to be replaced in my opinion.

    If your tubes are in a core, then it depends on where the leak is. Tubes are often roller expanded into the joints so it could be that one tube wasn't expanded correctly. If you have a split tube then it may be worth consulting a local re-tubing company to see if they can replace the tube (but this will of course depend on the type or heat exchanger you have as well as the age, condition etc)

    In any case, it is worth considering how the problem has arose. Do you know what pressures and temperatures you are working with? Could this have caused the tube to split or caused any other problems leading to the leak? It's all worth knowing in case you have to replace the heat exchanger with a more suitable alternative.

    I hope this information helps, I'm not the expert when it comes to coils or steam applications but if you can offer any more information as to the exact heat exchanger type you have then that would be great 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 13, 2011

    Moved posts from greetings to Mechanical engineering section in a new thread.
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