  • Well folks, you read the question. Looking back at life, what used to be fun before a few years have 'passed-on' to be a thing of the past.

    No one has time today to cherish life in a more 'classic' manner if you know what I mean. A walk in the park, a stroll across the country with your bicycle, a trip with friends, and even reading the daily news has started slowly getting boring.

    Now it's really (often) boring on the internet as well, although, there is a lot to read and plenty of videos to watch. Am I right or wrong?

    1. Has life turned out to be more boring with the advent of newer technology or is it just me and you aging? How do we escape from this situation?

    2. Does the psychology of an engineer wither with age?

    3. Do we really need to live in 'nothingness' to truly value the treasure of success?

    eg: Poor guy turns rich through hard work. Rich guy could get poor if he doesn't manage his wealth. Average guy doesn't get either poor or rich because he uses up whatever he earns.

    Be free to be frank.
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  • rahul69

    MemberOct 27, 2013

    Well folks, you read the question. Looking back at life, what used to be fun before a few years have 'passed-on' to be a thing of the past.

    No one has time today to cherish life in a more 'classic' manner if you know what I mean. A walk in the park, a stroll across the country with your bicycle, a trip with friends, and even reading the daily news has started slowly getting boring.

    Now it's really (often) boring on the internet as well, although, there is a lot to read and plenty of videos to watch. Am I right or wrong?

    1. Has life turned out to be more boring with the advent of newer technology or is it just me and you aging? How do we escape from this situation?

    2. Does the psychology of an engineer wither with age?

    3. Do we really need to live in 'nothingness' to truly value the treasure of success?

    eg: Poor guy turns rich through hard work. Rich guy could get poor if he doesn't manage his wealth. Average guy doesn't get either poor or rich because he uses up whatever he earns.
    Be free to be frank.
    IMO, Boring is just another word for routine, when the unexpected happens, life again gets cherishing.
    and as we age, we adapt to a fixed routine, which leads to boredom.
    Let's see what others think..
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberOct 27, 2013

    there's often a time when we get used to our daily routine which causes boredom.A slight change can make a difference. Some ways to boost your happiness can be

    Watch a comedy movie

    We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine, and if you’re feeling down in the dumps then this is definitely true. Laughter can not only release pent-up emotions, but it also produces endorphins to boost your mood. Furthermore, research has found that laughing burns calories and boosts heart health too. To get your happiness levels up and boost your well-being too, pop in a comedy DVD next time you’re feeling down.

    Eat yourself happy

    While our outlook often changes based on external factors, if your mood is often low it may be that you are suffering from a nutrient deficiency. Research has found that having low levels of omega-3 fatty acids (which are essential for good brain health) increases risk of depression and negativity, while research by Kuopio University in Finland found that taking B vitamin supplements could help treat depression.

    Get outdoors

    Research has shown that low levels of vitamin D can contribute to mood disorders and depression. While vitamin D can be found in some foods or taken as supplement, one of the best sources of the mood-boosting vitamin is sunshine, which helps the body to create vitamin D. To boost your supplies of vitamin D, try to spend 10 to 15 minutes outdoors two to three times a week during the summer months.

    Have a workout

    For an instance happiness boost when you’re feeling blue, try hitting the gym or heading out for a brisk walk or run. Exercise releases chemicals in the brain such as endorphins and anandamide which can boost your mood and leave you feeling great. Not only that, exercise is also good for boosting confidence levels and increasing self-esteem.

    Try Aroma therapy

    While many of us think of aromatherapy as an aid to relaxation, there are also many oils you can use to boost your happiness and help alleviate depression. Good aromatherapy oils to leave you uplifted include bergamot, geranium, neroli and jasmine. To lift your mood, try adding a few drops of these oils to water and burning on an oil burner, or create or purchase a room spray containing these essential oils.

    Take a risk

    To get the endorphins going and give your confidence a boost, try challenging yourself on a regular basis. While we don’t advise you to put yourself in any danger, if there is something you have been putting off for a while out of fear, now is the time to bite the bullet and see it through. Whatever your fear – be it asking out that special someone, joining a gym or applying for a job abroad – conquering your fears will leave you feeling great as well as helping you achieve your dreams.

    Talk it out

    If you are feeling seriously down and have been feeling low for a while, it is important to seek some help to get through this difficult phase. Seek out a friend or counsellor to listen to your problems, or visit your GP if you think you may be suffering from depression. No matter how bad you feel it is important to remember that you are not alone and there is no shame in seeking help. As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved, and even talking through your issues can help them seem less overwhelming.

    Schedule in regular treats

    To boost your happiness and satisfaction of life, it is important to make the most of those little things that boost your mood. Make a list of the day-to-day things that make you happy – such as having a catch-up with a friend, drinking hot chocolate in bed, or listening to your favourite song –and make sure you schedule one of these treats into every day. Planning regular treats not only gives you something to look forward to, but it can also subtly improve each day.

    Do something selfless

    It is easy to get bogged down in our own problems, so every once in a while it is good to put our issues to one side and help someone else feel happy instead. Whether you want to take on a long-term volunteering role, make a donation to charity, or improve the happiness of someone you know with a thoughtful note or gift, making an effort to make someone else smile is a great way to get some perspective, take your mind off your problems and increase your sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    Set yourself a goal

    Whether you aspire to get fit, obtain that dream job or learn how to cook something other than toast, most of us have something we long to achieve during our lifetime. Rather than putting off your dreams until a perfect moment which may never come, take some positive action and make a plan of how you will achieve your goal starting today. Having something to work towards will not only distract you from your problems, it will also reignite your passion for life and increase your excitement for the future.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 27, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - I dream of a day when the engineers in India will start writing in their own words than copy paste someone else's creation from Facebook.
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberOct 27, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    @#-Link-Snipped-# - I dream of a day when the engineers in India will start writing in their own words than copy paste someone else's creation from Facebook.
    I mentioned these points as i felt theses points are helpful which can help someone to get out of boredom. that's it.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberOct 27, 2013

    Technology isn't bad, problem is we just close ourself in one room since everything is available from there only.
    • Want to play games - burn some graphics card
    • Want to have chat with friends - Let open new chat window start talking and smiling alone for same reason 1000km apart.
    • Feeling board - Let browse what are the places I should visit in next vacation but never visit because some other urgent work or project dead line.
    I agree with @#-Link-Snipped-# , we got to break routine of our life.

    We forget to get the joy and beautiful things from little moments of life. I have question from all of us.
    When was the last time you have seen sunrise and sunset at the same day ☕. I don't know but it may be, just me only, I feel these are best 10 min to spend with blank thoughts.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 28, 2013

    I feel this is again changes from person to person! Its not that what you have mentioned above are clear indications of withering with age or getting bored. (Sorry to be frank). Because classic way of spending time differs from person to person!

    I dont agree with anything you have mentioned because i see things differently:

    1. Has life turned out to be more boring with the advent of newer technology or is it just me and you aging? How do we escape from this situation?

    Life has not turned boring with the advent of newer technologies for me.
    Earlier if I had to read about something I need to turn on my laptop and read it now i can read about it in my phone. Which is a way helping me understand things better. So what you read, whether you read it or not depends on you.

    So there is no need of escape, we only escape from something if we dont like.

    so the solution if you dont like is Just dont use it 😀
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberOct 28, 2013

    2. Does the psychology of an engineer wither with age?

    No, definitely not. Psychology , creativity, passion , interest, love , hatred everything withers if you let it. If not it will never go off.

    See our own Ramani sir on CE, with his age there are people who does nothing but sir shares many articles keep updated to himself in his field of interest. So your statement is not true for everyone.

    3. Do we really need to live in 'nothingness' to truly value the treasure of success?

    What do you mean by nothingness? and how do you define success?

    So nothingness as i understand , is living with basic necessities and not spending money and saving money?

    In this case, then again its the personal choice.

    As far as I live, I have a life style. I will live in that life style spend how much i was spending even if some unexpected need comes.

    I told a friend about this, there are two ways to tackle a situation when you need money either spend less than you are actually spending so that you can save or else earn more!
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