Member • Feb 28, 2014
Happy Birthday Raspberry Pi
I know I know, RPi went on sale on 29th of Feb 2012. But since 2014 ain't leap year, we will celebrate it today!
Happy birthday Raspberry Pi! All thanks goes to his father Eben Upton 😀
On side note : Broadcom released full graphics documentation & source code licensed under BSD for BCM21553, so we can expect port for RPi which uses BCM2835. This is one great news because RPi uses closed source blob which deals with gfx hardware & Linux Kernel for video performance. With release of source & full documentation we can expect no closed source blob anymore.
Read more : #-Link-Snipped-#
Also, BCM21553 is the core used for my device Samsung Y S5360-GT, so now my device is likely to get CyanogenMod Team support! Double Bonanza for me! 😁
Happy birthday Raspberry Pi! All thanks goes to his father Eben Upton 😀
On side note : Broadcom released full graphics documentation & source code licensed under BSD for BCM21553, so we can expect port for RPi which uses BCM2835. This is one great news because RPi uses closed source blob which deals with gfx hardware & Linux Kernel for video performance. With release of source & full documentation we can expect no closed source blob anymore.
Read more : #-Link-Snipped-#
Also, BCM21553 is the core used for my device Samsung Y S5360-GT, so now my device is likely to get CyanogenMod Team support! Double Bonanza for me! 😁