Member • Nov 25, 2012
Happy Birthday CrazyEngineers - It's Our 7th Anniversary Today!
So, today is the 7th Birthday of our beloved CrazyEngineers Community. 😁
We can't express how awesome we feel about completing so many fruitful years over the internet with the bunch of craziest people who've sticked to the community as its dedicated members. 👍 The feeling of belonging and that of oneness is what makes every engineer turned CEan never go away.
I take a moment to recall the great ideas we came up with over the last few years to celebrate this happiness along with all the CEans on what we call the "CrazyEngineers Day".
On CrazyEngineers' 4th Birthday, you can #-Link-Snipped-#.
On CrazyEngineers' 5th Birthday, we had a super online Quiz Competition on CE Day. I recommend that our new members go through these threads -
And the oldies here can go down their memory lane and enjoy those exciting moments.
And on CrazyEngineers' 6th Birthday, we had a #-Link-Snipped-#,memories of which still live with all those CEans who took part and those who won.
We also remember how at a time a 100 CEans came together on CE-Conference at midnight to shout Happy Birthday CE! 😀 That was fun!
A lot of CEans wrote to me asking what were our plans for the 7th one. Though we had some nice ideas and had a thing or two planned, due to unforeseen errors with the site and fluctuations in traffic, all the creative brains behind CE got busy in fixing the issues and getting the site back to normalcy.
Other than that, there are so many great things planned to be launched over the upcoming months, development of which is currently under progress, that we thought we will have a rather quite 7th Birthday this year.
Today, the day CE was born seven years back is also significant because our Good Administrator aka #-Link-Snipped-# or Biggie celebrates his birthday.
I, on the behalf of all the Moderators and CEans, wish him A VERY Happy Birthday and await in solidarity to see the launch of all the things that we've planned for CE and CEans.
I would also like to take a moment to appeal to every CEan who is reading this - to keep spreading the word about CE and keep posting & building great content on the community while we bounce back into power-packed action and roll out crazy ideas for the world to see!
Update: We've something new to shine in front of our office -