  • Hello everyone,

    I am newly joined 2nd year engineer student to electronics field through diploma background, I want your guideline I want to know being a engineer what skills and qualities an engineer student should gain during their study period for better knowledge and to get good job opportunities.

    And also please guide on these particular things:

    1. I want some websites links where I can find good sources of books and subject related articles.
    2. I even want to do some mini projects in between so please guide me how do I do them, the tools and software’s I required for that and where do I get them.
    3. And finally what are the topics/subjects I need to give more importance which helps me in my projects and also to improve my employment opportunities.

    Thank you for your help
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  • optimystix@

    MemberSep 21, 2012

    #-Link-Snipped-# here u can get the university papers name of good books
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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 21, 2012

    ya u can also look after about practicals of basic circuits connections and operations so you can follow the below given link.
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  • yuuki

    MemberSep 22, 2012 is a lot of help for me...if you have a free time, try to read books like electronic devices and circuit theory by robert boylstead...also try the books of malvino,frenzel and floyd...
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