thats nice ...B_k..letting all of us know wat is wat.n.....good crack..wid that $0.00000...hahaha
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Member •
Feb 28, 2008
Well i like this place and would appreciate being of any help here, but i'm sorry to say that i can be online for only a very little time every day( and might need to be absent for a few days altogether). I know this doesn't sound good, but its better that to be honest.
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hey i have a point to make here..
we can have moderators for a collection of section and we will have a forum moderator who can help the moderators..so the admin will have easy access to moderators through forum mod.
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hey i have a point to make here..
we can have moderators for a collection of section and we will have a forum moderator who can help the moderators..so the admin will have easy access to moderators through forum mod.
Good point. Noted.
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I'd love to be a moderator please! 😀 but, not at the moment.. am caught up with stuff. Maybe next month or two?
Maybe we should have a secret forum only mods can access.. *evil laugh*
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Looking at the speed at which we are adding members and content, CE is going to need caretakers (aka mods) soon.
CE is expanding beyond me and I guess time has come that we begin our hunt for CE's Mods.
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Suprisingly I saw this thread a tab bit late. Biggie, I always thought when we will get some moderators. keep us updated on the guys or girls you think of. And if its a good idea we can also have mod's voted by the users. Or should voting be after sometime? The next set of mods.
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I saw from another forum once about having "intern" moderators. Those who were interested were asked some questions (i think about what what would you do in this situation, etc) and were given trial moderator status. After a period, if they did ok, they'll be full mods 😉
I think voting is hard, since participation in forums is not as warm as we expect at the moment, haha.
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Member •
Mar 7, 2008
I do like this idea ash, _k maybe u should actually implement this.
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Good idea. However, I do not think we should elect our first set of moderators through Polls.
I'll get in touch with some of you and we can work it out. I'm sure most of you will be CE's mods in the course of time. Its all matter of how fast we grow in terms of activity and numbers.
In addition, we'll be re-forming our editorial team. I'm sure most of you will like to be the part of core team that runs CrazyEngineers; helps us with articles and interviews. Watch out for announcement.
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thats all....and all too nice
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The most exciting part is the salary! Oh boy, I can't wait! Lmao.
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Hey K, Is there any other posts then Mod.
The only problem I am facing in volunteering for Mod Post is, its not possible for me to come online daily for long time.
May be we can start with some post like... CE - mentors, where the interested persons will be easily approachable.
Your take on this...
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Hi CrazyBoy,
The discussion on the same is in progress for a long time. We haven't yet decided upon other posts.
There could be CE - Evangelists, CE - Tech Gods, CE - Master Debater etc. We need to come up with something very soon.
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how many moderators we can afford,and wat power moderators enjoy?? I think its not that imp to be online most part of the day to be a moderator!!!...anyhow,does anyone needs a critic????
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how many moderators we can afford,and wat power moderators enjoy?? I think its not that imp to be online most part of the day to be a moderator!!!...anyhow,does anyone needs a critic????
How many moderators can we afford -
Number of moderators is purely a function of forum activity & growth. We'll keep on adding moderators as we grow. Earlier, it was just I, then joined Ash and now MaRo.
What powers moderators enjoy -
Moderators have a responsibility & they are the guards of the forums. Typically, moderators are able to edit/delete/move others posts, ban/unban spammers etc.
I think its not that imp to be online most part of the day to be a moderator.
Currently, we have mods from three different time zones. This helps in moderating the forums round the clock. Of course, as a mod, one needs to spend considerable time on the forums. He/she needs to be available for support & any kind of help users may want.
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Cool!!....wat is next level for moderator????.....or moderator is the final stage a member can reach??
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I'd call a 'moderator' status as a 'promotion' of a member. Moderator is a member with extra responsibilities on forums. A moderator becomes a super moderator with some extra powers.
Finally, a member may become an administrator.
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Great!! well some other forum have restricted administrator status to only founding members.Hope u encourage members to take up active role,anyhow prospects r good here
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Great!! well some other forum have restricted administrator status to only founding members.Hope u encourage members to take up active role,anyhow prospects r good here
That's probably because an administrator has direct access to all the user data (except passwords). An administrator can make/break a forum. That's is the reason why administrator status is restricted.
I repeat: "Moderator" & "Administrator" statues are not about 'promotions'. They have a special responsibility on their shoulders. While the 'admin/mod' status might look rosy - its not. You have to be alert 24x7.
We'll soon roll out different 'special' status for our members. Note that our aim is to grow beyond an online community. While we continue to grow online - we all must make sure that we're active offline as well. There will be many roles to play - for each CEan.
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Not rosy indeed. I can testify to that 😉
Its important to note that you do not become a moderator for the sake of added privileges. They are only there to help you assist your main responsibilities.
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Sure they are,but if a moderator checks the member in the forum,how can we check the moderator???there are possiblities he may not perform his duties properly!!!!
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Sure they are,but if a moderator checks the member in the forum,how can we check the moderator???there are possiblities he may not perform his duties properly!!!!
Okay, I'll address this.
Be assured that CE Moderators are passionate about building a better community and making things happen. They have taken up the responsibility for the love of CE & engineering.
All of us are very open to hearing from every CEan; and we do take your suggestions seriously. Please feel free to get in touch with any of us if you think we aren't doing well. It might be that we just missed out on something. We have shared our contact info in our signature.
The Big K : admin [at] crazyengineers [dot] com
MaRo: maro [at] crazyengineers [dot] com
Ash: ash [at] crazyengineers [dot] com
You may even send us a private message
I'm available on YM for a chat : crazy.engineers [at] yahoo [dot] com
That said, I repeat Ash's words:
Its important to note that you do not become a moderator for the sake of added privileges. They are only there to help you assist your main responsibilities.
Don't look at moderators as the guys who ban people when they do something wrong. We have extra powers to keep the forum protected from spammers and helping members.
We'll be more than happy to hear from you about anything.
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Thanks buddy,no more questions or else we will get into a debate!!I will definately get in touch with you!!!
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Thanks buddy,no more questions or else we will get into a debate!!I will definately get in touch with you!!!
Oh please! 😁 We all are here to build a better community and as I said, we're all open to suggestions and feedback.
I'll be happy to answer all your questions. I'm sure MaRo, Ash, Mayur, Patty, Varun will also love to help!
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Sure they are,but if a moderator checks the member in the forum,how can we check the moderator???there are possiblities he may not perform his duties properly!!!!
Thats a very valid concern! As Big K said, we are all open for feedback.
Being moderators, me and MaRo understand the consequences of neglecting responsibility 😀 Please do contact us if you feel something we do is wrong. When you do, send the same message to Big K and other mods so we can keep things transparent! That will avoid the possibility of hiding problems when they are supposed to be shared.
That said, I believe the moderator selection process will be quite stringent. No passion? No commitment? No way 😉
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Well becoming a moderator is quite a responsibilty,but I was not clear about your selection of moderator,anyhow,wat if a moderator/administrator wants to leave his position???can he do that
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Well becoming a moderator is quite a responsibilty,but I was not clear about your selection of moderator,anyhow,wat if a moderator/administrator wants to leave his position???can he do that
I'd say one must stick to being admin/mod as long as the 'passion' is there. The moment you lose the passion, there's no point in being an admin or a mod - because the job starts sucking the hell out of you. 😲
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wat is the history of crazy engineers..how it all started,how u all maintain it!!!
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wat is the history of crazy engineers..how it all started,how u all maintain it!!!
Start of CE is an interesting story. I'll write about it soon. 😀
How we maintain it? Hmm. Well could you split it in specific questions? 😀
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who funds theis forum??and how u maintain the servers & flow of visitors???
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CE is self-funded by yours truly. The servers are in the US of A. The flow of visitors is mostly through Google searches (we're very well indexed there) ,through word-of-mouth publicity & referrals through websites & other forums that link to here.
The reason we get so much traffic is that we've some unique discussions over here and fantastic people. We need to improve on the activities though. The word of mouth has worked fantastically well for CE. I continue to receive emails saying the site is useful - from professors to students to working professionals. I'm very happy that we all are building a great community & we great things are about to follow.
Alright, I went little off track 😁 .
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its ok!!everyone shud take pride of its creation,so how come so many indians out here,really speaking mate,in other forums there are too few active members from india
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That's true. CE is an international forum! We're accessed from over 150 countries.
Majority of CEans are from India, probably because India produces a huge number of Engineers every year. Most of the Indian visitors are here to get ready-made project ideas, reports and free stuff - that's unfortunate; but its a fact. They request for a seminar topics & ideas, post their email ids and go away forever hoping that someone will send everything to their email id for free 😁
We need lot of active members to make things happen - from all parts of the world. CE's strength lies in collaboration of brilliant engineers from various parts of the world.
[Gosh, am I going off-track again? I just can talk for hours about CE you know.]
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Well.. I can guess there are also lots of members from India because of the good efforts to promote CE there too 😛
I'll try to do my bit in Malaysia.. *ahem*
You know, I still fail to search for an engineering online forum in Malaysia. In fact, my uni's engineering forum came up as a near top hit, lol. But its very inactive unfortunately 😔
I'd like to promote CE there, but need to spark some activity first.. or else It'll be blatant spamming. I only just recovered my password cause I havent logged on for so long that I forgot it!
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Well Ash, you know what? We never did any kind of proactive advertising. The growth was purely due to word of mouth.
There was an incidence where on guy asked me to check out CrazyEngineers because he thought it's a very cool site 😁 .
We should be proud of our community - lot of engineers find it very useful!
Well, I think we need to create evangelists who'll go out and talk about CE.
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I dont think it needs any publicity at the most we can do is opeb chapters on diffrent countries,and manage member of that country through them,participation in local culture will give us a new dimension and expand our base further!!!
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Well this was a fantastic discussion i read it late.
No way i never know can i be online for much time whole the day i can spare time at night from around 9 PM to 2 AM if thats possible then just we will talk on this.
And Biggie i read in one of your post you are going to introduce
CE - Evangelists, CE - Tech Gods, CE - Master Debater where are they ?
Are they already introduced?
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Those titles are still on hold. Still to figure out good titles.
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CE - Evangelists, CE - Tech Gods, CE - Master Debater where are they ?
Cool titles but I have some more titles 😉
I have few more titles to add
CE-Fighter 😁
And how about CE-leecher ? and CE-Invisible ?(for those who are rarely seen)
And 1 more CE-ChatterBox😁
PS: Cannot stop laughing 😁
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This is certainly not the best thread to discuss the titles.
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I want to be a mod 😀
if possible tell me 😀
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Can we know whats our Status right now and how we far from being MOD. 😁
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I too want to be a Mod.
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You are already patty , Do you wanna become mod++ or good mod like biggie (good admin) 😉
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Read the first post, fellas.
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Q. How much will I make if I become the mod?
This is the most exciting part. You will be paid a huge amount of $00,000 / month! (No, I did not miss any digit). The best things in life are free [period].
Haha, I loved this the most 😁
CE now have a few mods and they all are doing great. 😀
Great selection Big K. Thanks for all the wonderful arrangement. 😉
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every thing is fine... except ..
You will be paid a huge amount of $00,000 / month! (No, I did not miss any digit). The best things in life are free [period].
even if i use my free time...( i have to pay for my net connection,electricity bill,service.....etc)
that never comes free ...would you?
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every thing is fine... except ..
even if i use my free time...( i have to pay for my net connection,electricity bill,service.....etc)
that never comes free ...would you?
Mod role is taken up voluntarily and comes with extra responsibility. Its often offered to those who anyway spend lot of time on the forums helping others. That's why mods aren't paid.
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Well Ash, you know what? We never did any kind of proactive advertising. The growth was purely due to word of mouth.
There was an incidence where on guy asked me to check out CrazyEngineers because he thought it's a very cool site 😁 .
We should be proud of our community - lot of engineers find it very useful!
Well, I think we need to create evangelists who'll go out and talk about CE.
Nice to read through the thread. Is there any active campaign across cities or engineering colleges that is being done? This could certainly help.
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It's coming in January 2011. We need some input from CEans regarding organizing this.
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It's coming in January 2011. We need some input from CEans regarding organizing this.
Nice to hear that. Looking forward to hear the details.
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I find this strange K but really want to handle this situation here If you think so I am willing cos tech discussions has become a part of my day to day activity now
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Welcome to CrazyEngineers. Your question has been answered in a separate discussion: #-Link-Snipped-#
Let us know if you have questions.
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so u elect a moderator based on their work to CE right...
so u would elect a moderator on his /her contibution to CE right....
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so u would elect a moderator on his /her contibution to CE right....
Yes, that is right. The moderator responsibility is handed over to those CEans who show dedication over a sustained period of time and contribute to the overall growth of CE in one way or the other.
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