  • It's in news everywhere that there is a possibility of Google helping to finance a deal by others to acquire Internet search company Yahoo.

    It's also being said that early-stage discussions have been held between Google and prospective partners, but there is no confirmation regarding a formal proposal.

    Acquiring Yahoo, just like Youtube, is a great idea with interesting opportunities for Google. What do you think?
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberOct 22, 2011

    Interesting. But then, what about yahoo mail? Where is the fun or rivalry then? Only Google/Yahoo mail will exist. There won't be many changes or newbies. The oldest e-mail provider is Hotmail from Microsoft, and is still one of the best; but they are not competitive enough. There should be some kind of competition like Apple and Microsoft had in the 1990's to make the best microprocessor based computer. But unfortunately Apple does not provide an e-mail service that I know of. So then will Google kill all the competition? I believe a certain competitive mentality is required for development. And besides Microsoft's Bing search is not much when compared to Yahoo search.
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  • Pensu

    MemberOct 23, 2011

    That's good, but i dont think its going to be much productive for Google. Yahoo is almost dead except mail, obviously. They have shut down lot of services already. But maybe Google is trying to take the enemy out completely. Evil Geniuses....😉
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    MemberOct 26, 2011

    To finish an Enemy~ Be Ruthless.
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    It's a dead end for Yahoo already and it's looking unlikely to see a competitor for Google again in near future.
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    MemberOct 26, 2011

    It is true, Google is a giant corporation, but it will end some day or other. May be due to internal rebellion. Whenever competition ends, war of sustenance begins. Nothing is permanent. Not even Google.
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  • Pensu

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    @Issue: I guess u r being a little pessimist here. U cant predict end of an organization, which is almost all over the internet with over thousands of services, on basis of a philosophy.
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    @Pensu Well, Can't say! We already seen Orkut and gmail went for a walk with the rise of Facebook and Facebook's also getting short of ideas with innovation though.
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  • Pensu

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    @Mr.Don: I agree, orkut is dead, but gmail is not going anywhere. And thats exactly my point, they are not confined to 2-3 services, they have a lot of services and i guess we will witness a miracle if all of them goes down....😉
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    MemberOct 26, 2011

    Google has evolved because of new ideas, inventions etc which other companies could not offer. Google is really a big giant and has a lot of scope for future. However if anyone assumes that a particular thing will never end, then it is a wrong notion.
    There are many small people with lot of ideas, some one may come up with a better technology of search engines which is more effective and different than KEYWORD specific search engines. 😐

    For example, look at what happened to Pan Am. It was an aeroplane company and considered invincible. It had complete monopoly and no airways was anywhere near to it. The second to it were always far distant in all respects even in terms of technology and revenue. Sadly, its operations had to be closed down in 1991. 😲
    By stating this, I am only speaking reality. I am not being pessimist. I say sorry if I have offended anybody. 😀
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  • Pensu

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    That's exactly my point. People can come up with new and effective ideas, they always have, but Google is not just search or gmail or orkut, its a lot bigger than that. I am not saying its going to live till eternity, but saying that its going to end just because everything ends its a little hard to digest. And i dont think that assuming everything is gonna end is a good notion too. Sorry, if i sounded offensive, but you cant always think that everything is going to end up eventually. And if you are agree with the saying "Nothing is permanent", then according to it, this saying itself is not permanent....😉. You can always have exceptions....😀
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    MemberOct 26, 2011

    Yes there is an exception.
    The only exception to "Nothing is permanent" is "Nothing is permanent". 😛
    In other words, "Nothing is permanent" is the only permanent thing. 😀
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  • Pensu

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    Whoa....that's some deep philosophy...😉. I am not gonna argue over that....😛
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberOct 27, 2011

    Without competition any company even as big as Google can simply end. It's the competition and the willingness to compete that keep the companies innovative. Or else who'd want to create a change in the existing system after all? Newer companies take time to grow. And with newer innovations, the old must die. That's logic of evolution!
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