  • Google is joining Facebook and twitter with custom URL for profiles on its social service Google+.
    Twitter and Facebook already providing profile link with #-Link-Snipped-#.
    But here is something special about Google plus that you can request for different custom URL for your profile. By default they are trying provide with your +firstNameLastname.

    Now the twist with Google+ is, they are saying they might charge for this custom URL. No where mentioned what exactly this means. Anyway we will see when they will start to charge for it😀.


    • Ten or more followers
    • Your account is 30 days old or more
    • A profile photo
    And some pro-tips to promote your profile and find others
    If you know someone's custom URL, you can quickly access areas of their Google+ Profile or Page by adding key words to the end of the URL. Some examples are:
    • (what are things you have +1'ed.)

    I think Google made good move to give custom URL with different than username. It will help to create better online branding for users. Only dent is might charge for this custom URL 😨
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberOct 30, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# Thank you very much for info,man.
    I grabbed +AbhishekRawal before anyother Abhishek Rawal can. (There are too many Abhishek Rawal 😛 )
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 30, 2013

    I got one too. Not sure if it's really something we should be excited about 😉
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberOct 30, 2013

    Abhishek Rawal
    @#-Link-Snipped-# Thank you very much for info,man.
    I grabbed +AbhishekRawal before anyother Abhishek Rawal can. (There are too many Abhishek Rawal 😛 )
    I get mine +HarshadItaliya ! Seems I am the only Harshad Italiya on internet. 😛
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberOct 30, 2013

    I got mine too 😁. I never applied. Google thought I m important so sent me itself 😁
    Got one for my business too LOL
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