  • Since most high-end Android smartphones these days have AMOLED or OLED displays it is pretty obvious that users would want a built-in dark mode toggle that would flip from light to dark hues in order to preserve battery life and explore those deeper blacks. An Android user needed this feature and went to Android’s Issue Tracker website and requested this feature back in November 2017. This feature was forwarded to various departments and just yesterday someone from Google marked this issue as fixed and said that Android’s engineering team has added this feature and it will be available in future Android release, supposedly Android P. This news was widely covered by media outlets and it elated many Android users who were envious of OnePlus owners who have this feature in-built.

    Android Oreo Dark Mode
    Dark Notification Shade As Implemented on Android Oreo​

    Sadly this hysteria came to an abrupt end as someone from Google noticed the news and reopened the thread to explain that the Dark Mode is not coming to future Android releases. Google have attributed this mistake as a miscommunication issue with the team that handles AOSP (Android Open Source Project) issues. The team at Google informed that what they have actually added in a future Android release (not specifically Android P) is a quick toggle for the night UI qualifier through the Developer Options to create and test apps which implement Dark Mode like Twitter and JioMusic do. The team also informed that the aforementioned qualifier has been a part of Android since Android Froyo and was made globally modifiable since Marshmallow. The new toggle makes it easier to access in the Developer Options menu.

    Google also made a tongue-in-cheek revelation that they will also not be adding the Hot Dog mode where all the UI elements will be yellow and red. This was however no consolation to users who were expecting Android to deliver a much requested feature, the Dark Mode. The only solace is that you can somewhat implement this feature on your current Android smartphone using third party tools or custom ROMs.

    Source: Google Issue Tracker via Google says it actually isn't bringing an official dark mode to Android, at least not yet
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