  • Last week Google launched its Chromecast streaming dongle in 11 countries other than the United States. And now the search-giant has released a new app that lets you turn your Chromecast-connected TV into a live, interactive photo frame. The app called Photowall for Chromecast is said to be Chrome’s new experiment that allows users to broadcast an entire collage of images to your TV through your Chromecast. The app also includes the ability to doodle or annotate images before beaming them onto your big screen.

    Setting up this app is easy. You’ll need to have a Chromecast plugged into your TV, and then you can create a Photowall from your phone, tablet or laptop. Once everything is set up, users can start sending photos directly to the big screen. The best part of this app is once you are finished adding photos, a YouTube video of your Photowall is automatically generated, which is perfect for sharing. Interestingly, others participating in the fun need not install this app. They can add images from their phones or tablets using a web-based interface.

    This app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. With this standalone app in town, Google is trying to appeal photo-taking fraternity. For those who do not have a Chromecast, you can still check out this app by selecting the option of setting up your Photowall on your computer screen.

    Check out this promo video below:

    Download Photowall for Chromecast here: #-Link-Snipped-# | #-Link-Snipped-#

    Source: Google Launches Photowall iOS And Android Apps For Beaming Collaborative Galleries To Chromecast • TechCrunch| Google's new Photowall app turns your Chromecast-connected TV into an interactive photo frame - 9to5Mac
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