  • Google has been very quick in delivering an updated Android Kit Kat to Nexus 5 users. The update is focused on improving the photography capabilities of the Nexus 5. Early adopters of the flagship Google device had complained regarding the performance of the camera. Reviewers had found that the camera app took a long time to start and had slow shooting speeds for low light shots. Since the camera has become a benchmark in deciding the popularity of a smartphone, Google has managed to put up this update in just over a month’s time. The update adds faster auto focusing in low light shots. The update brings out better colours and improves white balancing as well. The much talked about HDR+ mode now has a progress bar and allows users to pinch and zoom the view finder. Before the #-Link-Snipped-# Google let the guys at Fixing the Nexus 5: with a new version of Android, Google tackles the camera - The Verge to play with the camera and they were quite generous to give us a comparison of various shots taken by the Nexus 5 before and after the update.

    Nexus 5 1

    If you do own a Nexus 7 tablet or the predecessor Nexus 5 smartphone are feeling left out of the latest Android experience Android Police has put up links of zip files of the update from Google servers and step by step instructions on how to install them on your #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-#. But this flashing procedure is quite risky and might damage your Nexus device so we would like to wait for some time as the OTA update will be rolled out soon for the aforementioned devices.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberDec 6, 2013

    Author has already linked flashable update zip for Nexus4 & Nexus7.
    But, if you have 'Hammerhead' (Nexus 5) & can't wait for OTA, then download signed image from #-Link-Snipped-#.
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  • sana592

    MemberDec 8, 2013

    The best link to download the Zip file for the Android 4.4.1 Update for Nexus 5 is this with the file size of 53.97 MB

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  • thompsom

    MemberJan 6, 2015

    really useful....for nexus..thanks for updating
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  • prince sadia

    MemberNov 15, 2015

    Great Admin thanks to share link to download the Zip file for the Android 4.4.1 Update for Nexus 5.

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