  • Engineers from Jammu & Kashmir rejoice. Google - the web search engine giant is about to start recruitment in J&K region of northern India. Times of India reported that Google is flying a team of 8 recruiters to the region; the team is being headed by Ms Mary Himminkool, the head of Google's global entrepreneurship . The team is looking forward to holding conversations with students, entrepreneurs, small businesses and see mutually beneficial deals. It's important to note that Google was recently crowned as World's #1 employer. Engineers from J&K - are you ready?

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 30, 2011

    This is some good news. Other companies should learn from Google and do the same not only in J&K but other under developed states as well.

    On the flip-side I heard, China had banned Google for anti-national activities. India should watch Google carefully what they are upto.
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