  • Google has rolled out a flirty update to its hi-tech internet-linked eye-wear, where the wearer just has to wink in order to take a picture. This feature promises to address the several security concerns being lashed against the gadget, and is just one among several upcoming improvements. Google Glass posted in its G+ page, "We've got a new setting that lets you quickly and easily capture the moments you care about with a simple wink of the eye. We're starting with pictures, but just think about what else is possible." We're thinking.


    Well the ideas being thrown in imagines Google Glass wearers paying their supermarket bill with a wink, wink at a cookbook and the instructions pour out right in front of you, and what not. One update even boosts the security of the glass, and the eye-wear remains locked unless a user unlocks it via the right swipes and taps. The "Glassware" code that powers the eye-wear was altered too, so that it could straightaway upload any video shot by the user to YouTube. As Google puts it, the Glass is helping you experience the world without bogging you down with all the technology. The eye-wear lets users shoot videos, take pictures, send text messages and perform other tasks that require touch operations or speaking commands. It even connects to WiFi hotspots and wirelessly tethers to mobile phones.

    Hangouts feature has been added to Glass, and users can enable this feature through Settings. The search engine giant even confirmed that the iPhone app is ready and shall be launched soon. The download information of the app shall be released by the firm later this week.
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