Member • Oct 14, 2013
Good sliderocket alternatives for online presentation hosting & delivery?
Prezi: I've evaluated Prezi - and it does look like a great concept. I've used it in the past; but didn't spend time on creating new Prezis for my existing presentations. So prezi will be my choice provided I don't find a better service.
iCloud: Apple's iCloud service seems to be a good alternative, but it's only limited to hosting the most basic presentations. I'd really love to prevent all the zazzy animation effects that Keynote offers. Unfortunately, I haven't found any service that would preserve all the effects.
Slideshare: Slideshare has been around for quite some time now; but I lost interest in them post LinkedIn acquisition. I'm not a big fan of plain cold slides that get boring, especially when viewed online. Not an option for me at the moment.
YouTube: I've been considering exporting my presentations as YouTube videos and embedding them in the pages where I want people to access them. The only issue is that the users will have to pause it every time they want to view some information.
Haiku Deck: Haiku Deck seems to be a promising entry in the list of alternatives. At the time of updating this post, the software is iPad only but is expected to go web as well. The samples available in their showcase gallery show all-pic presentations. I'm sure those can be adopted for all business presentations & media kits as well. Adding it to my watch-list.
Slid.es : My latest discovery that looks quite promising. I'm yet to try it; but the free plan they have looks good. The slides editor is simple too. Do give them a try!
If there are any other alternatives or recommendations for online presentation hosting & delivery - please let me know.