Member • Aug 12, 2006
Member • Aug 12, 2006
Member • Aug 22, 2006
Administrator • Oct 28, 2006
Prady, tell us more about this project. Looks like a good idea to me.pradypopI worked a little bit on these algorithms when I tried a project on License plate recognition.
Member • Mar 26, 2009
Although genetic algorithms can be used in image processing, they are used for many other things as well. More importantly, genetic algorithms are not "learning algorithms". Genetic algorithms are, fundamentally, optimizers. While they can be used as part of a learning system, their ultimate function is to optimize some objective function. Their advantage over traditional optimization techniques is that they do not need to know the derivatives of the objective function- in fact, assuming that candidate solutions can be ranked, they do not even require the objective function to be on an absolute scale at all!pradypopGenetic Algorithms are a set of algorithms which are frequently used in image processing. These are learning algorithms and are used to approximate a value whose absolute is not known and enough information is not avalilable to compute the absolutes.
Member • Mar 26, 2009
Can you give detailed description of your project?rajeshi want to do a project on genetic algorithms for economic dispatch and optimisation.if anybody knows clearly about this,please give me guidance.