This forum intends to serve as a common platform for all Crazy Engineers who are taking GRE. Feel free to post your doubts, questions, opinions.
Q. Yet another GRE forum?
- Well, not really. I had been searching for a dedicated GRE discussion forum. Unfortunately, I could not find any. This place is dedicated to people from all over the world who are preparing for GRE. Now people can discuss, chat, share & communicate with other like-minded people and benefit from it.
Not only this, but people can ask questions and answer other's questions. There are separate forums for Mathematics, English & Analytical writing. Feel free to start new topics in those forums. Your feedback about forum is always welcome. Drop me a line at admin
Q. But I don't see any discussions around...
- Agree. The forum is still in its initial stage. As people join in, you will see more stuff happening around the forums. Feel free to register & start posting.
HaPpee Posting ๐
-The Big K-