Member • Nov 5, 2016
Gap of 3 years- Probability of Getting job in IT Industry.
I am new member of this wonderful forum which I come across randomly through google search so thought a proper place to ask my Queries and for that I am really thankful and hopeful that I wil get answers so that I can take appropriate decision. I Have done computer engineering in the year 2013 but didn't apply to any company since then.
Reason : -
I am the only Child of my parents. I graduated in the year 2013 that time it wasnt possible for me to go and look for company immediately because my mom is high sugar patient and it was not possible for me to leave her alone and my dad was the only moral support for me and anyhow I managed to do things. later on my dad got suffered with Cancer and then things got changed tremendously one after the other so it was a Quite high pressure on me to manage and deal with all the situations including treatment and all but we did it so that time my parents was more important for me than any other thing because I am the only Child to look after them and they did alot for me so I just cant leave them alone. It was really painful situation and can't even put it in words what I have gone through. Even now also things are Quite challenging but I really need a job for further support to my family so I m in dire need. I have to start everything from level zero and I m aware about it but I am bit confuse what step I should take now and which technology I should go for. I wil go to any extent to learn things. please help me with following Questions and their possible solutions.
1) sir will Company give me job after this 3 years gap and wil consider this as a genuine reason?
2) How should I start my career ? which technology I should learn and start mastering? what Options I have in my life now?
3) If I go for MS later then wil this Gap of 3 years matter?
All suggesstions and help are welcome. I would be highly indebted to all of you.
Thank you so much for your time & Consideration.