  • As we await the public release of the Google Glass, developers at Google have added a fun element to this wearable by developing several games for Google Glass. Most of the games were rendered with the help of compact Min3D library on top of OpenGL. The games use voice commands and different sensors of the Google Glass. The games can be launched, minimised and closed with the help of voice commands. Google Glass developers have put up five different games on the glassware store and we shall discuss them one by one, starting with Tennis. The game uses Glass’s gyroscope and accelerometer to track movements of the head. The user tilts the head to make the racket move right or left on the virtual court to hit the ball.

    Balance Clay Shooter Matcher Shape Splitter Tennis

    The second game is called Balance. The game’s purpose is to balance shapes on top of the head of a virtual character by shifting your head to make sure that they don’t fall off. The Balance game uses Box2D for physics simulation and AndEngine for rendering. Clay Shooter is a classic shooter game in which where you can say “Pull” to launch a clay pigeon and once you have moved your head to line up with the target you can say “Boom” to shoot them up. Matcher is a game which is inspired from the card-matching game where the player moves his head about the unlock cards and match them. The Photosphere camera mode was used to map the cards in a spherical pattern for this game. Lastly, we have the Shape Splitter which resembles the Fruit Ninja game where the player has to wave his hand in front of the Glass’s camera to split different shapes emerging from the bottom. OpenCV was included in the game to track the movements of the user’s hands. You can obtain a demonstration of all the games in the video below.

    Source: Mini Games  |  Glass Explorer Edition  |  Google Developers
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJan 26, 2014

    Great attempt and a treat for game lovers.I like balance game as it is simple and may get huge success but Are we going to discuss safety issues?
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  • andrisaur

    MemberJan 26, 2014

    This is just the beginning, just like space impact on nokia 3310
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  • krngd2

    MemberJan 26, 2014

    This thing will go like crazy....imagine Like playing Call of duty in real life with vertual men and guns in real world....
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 26, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# It will be like paint-ball. Just way too cool! 😀
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