  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3, SM-N9000 pre bookings have begin in India for Rs. 2000. The phone's currently listed on SamsungIndiaEstore is soon expected to make it to leading online retailers. The phone's available in white and black. The official price of the phone has not been declared yet, but it's expected to cost about Rs. 50,000+. Wondering how many of you are going to buy it?

    By the way, adding the price of the 'gear', expect the price to be in the Rs. 65,000 - Rs. 70,000 range. Way beyond many people's reach.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberSep 13, 2013

    A whopping price of 65000 - 70000 for a phone doesn't look justifiable to me. INSANE!

    Samsung India eStore is giving two options,
    1. Pre book
    2. Notify me

    For the ones, who doesn't bother about few thousands, can book the device in 2000 and can whatever remaining when the phone will be available.

    For others like me, will enter the email id, and will see if the device really have something that I will 'THINK' of paying that much hefty amount.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 13, 2013

    The official price, it seems is about Rs. 47,500. But that price surely won't include the Galaxy Gear. It's still one of the very high-end phones!
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    Pricing seems to be unjustified.We cant offord 50k and above for a phone??????.we will wait for price to come down .
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