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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 31, 2011

    Collision free vehicles is the future of our transports which includes developing smart cars. I believe apart from developing cars that are totally 'green', it's high time that the research gets focused on developing cars that can identify potential collisions, traffic conditions based on GPS data and sensors mounted on cars and also on roads and avoid problematic situations.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 1, 2011

    Collision free vehicles is the future of our transports which includes developing smart cars. I believe apart from developing cars that are totally 'green', it's high time that the research gets focused on developing cars that can identify potential collisions, traffic conditions based on GPS data and sensors mounted on cars and also on roads and avoid problematic situations.
    Here is a slightly different approach to that problem. Use Electro Encephalo Graphs to apply brakes quickly. How it would work with drunken driving is a moot point.
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