  • Hi all
    I am a part time entrepreneur focusing mainly on new products.
    I came up with an idea of making crank shafts using FRP. I need forum help to decide whether it is feasible and useful. Please help me. Thanks to all.😁
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  • Elisa

    MemberOct 8, 2007

    Are you seeking technical help or business help? If you want to know if the business is sustainable, you will have to provide us with market research analysis. Post your findings so that we all can discuss.
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  • Newmanite

    MemberOct 8, 2007

    Firstly you need to supply a couple to the drag racing fraternity and dyno competitions.You would need for them to be proven in a field of peers and there is no better way to do that than in the mayhem of competition.Get your product out there and get it known.If it can handle massive power reputation will be the key...
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  • jacselva

    MemberOct 9, 2007

    I need technical help like type of fibre, resin and lay up procedures to be folfollowed so that I get the strength equal to steel. I have not done any market anlaysis. with my curiosity and own interest trying to replace the crank shaft of an old engine with FRP. At present I do not have any idea about going for a business with that. I need to know the viability of this project. If you can share your experience/knowledge it will be useful to me.
    Thanks for the reply😁
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  • jacselva

    MemberOct 9, 2007

    Yes, you are practical, but initially they may not take this risk. I decided to replace the crank shaft of an old engine with FRP, run the engine and anlyse the performance. I think it is worth a try.

    Thanks for the reply.😁
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