hey can someone give me solution fast
please would really appreciate it....
I manage a little comptershop like my hobby and yesterday was the second time that a client came to get help on this programm (Folder Lock). The first time was easy, we just formated the disk and backed up again because the files were easily avaiable.
Now the second occation the problem was more serios (the Locker folder emty), the client had important financial information in excel that he couldn't get again.
The solucion was easy: I used a programm named "Recover my files" (easy to use) searching the "Locker" folder (takes some time) and copying the files to the desktop.
That's all, for to have the copy-option you need to have a registred programm I guess. You can get about 100 diferent file extentions recovered.
I think for my own that the best option to have files a little save on the way with moveable disks is to zip them with a password, don't try those programms like Folder Lock when you have serios informations that you want to get hidden.
I hope it wasn't too late to get you this information.
Best wishes from Ecuador.