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  • Robi

    MemberJan 5, 2010

    That is ineteresting, but in the real world... When you start from scratch the loved ones often the only people, who can trust you... The world is not perfect 😔
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 5, 2010

    That is ineteresting, but in the real world... When you start from scratch the loved ones often the only people, who can trust you... The world is not perfect 😔
    Well, I know because I've experienced it. But does the rest of the world matter?

    Also, every entrepreneur often gets pleasantly surprised to see how he/she gets help from complete strangers.
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  • Mahesh Dahale

    MemberJan 5, 2010

    Nice Article

    Thanks for sharing with us
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  • Robi

    MemberJan 6, 2010

    Well, when you have a knock-out idea, you can find the needed help easy (have own experience in that). I'm just imagined someone, who is trying to do something, what nobody believe in (have no experience in that).

    By the way, thanks for the article.
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