Member • Jan 25, 2006
Final Year Project: Autonomous Robot
I wanted some suggestions regarding my FYP. Being Electronic Students I want a project that involves most of the related fields like communication, automation and Robotics. There's another reason for doing that, my group memebres are very much inclined towards communication systems whereas I so want to do a project in Robotics and automation.
I do have a plot in mind.....
But I needed to get my Ideas shaped up.
An autonomous robot capable of making some lower level decisions itself and if encounters a stituation that it cannot handle by itself, sends an interrupt wirelessly to a computer and then instructions can further be transmitted.
And it can perform some biomedical tasks like can be used in some sort of laser surgery or works as an assistant to a surgeon and hands over surgical instruments ....tasks that need accuracy.
If u think that we should go for it then which sort of communication should I use....Infra red, bluetooth or some other type.
Microcontroller based or PLC/LOGO!?
Or should I just work on a mobile ROBOT capable of self navigation???(as suggested by a teacher at university, because he thinks that what we've thought of is way too legnthy n 'll be a baffling task)