The Internet is full of websites which allow you to share files. For those who do not know what I'm talking about, the concept of file sharing on the internet is very simple. Simply upload the files you want to share on the website and it is then available to the world for downloading.
Do you think file sharing websites are good? Or are they responsible for software piracy, IP violation etc.?
-The Big K-
Though file sharing websites have been a great relief for those who want to transfer huge files (which cant be attached in email etc), they have simultaneously being used for sharing licensed software as well...
even if anyone wants to keep a check on such abuse, its impossible to do so due to the sheer number of such sites sprouting up day by day. and people can also hide the contents of file/folder just by renaming it... due to the lack of a proper indexing system in such websites, its too difficult to keep a track of the content being uploaded.
this has become an even bigger menace for IT cos and various affliated media (TV serial owners etc) who are running into bigger losses than the p2p networks caused them...
apparently the only solution for such menace demands extreme operations like a total closure on all these sites, or a "BIG-DADDY" type monitoring of all-the-files being uploaded (but no one has the time, nor the resources to keep things in order)..
I guess, software-piracy is the order of the day, at least for a few more years, till the open source world takes over !!