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  • kedarjk

    MemberApr 26, 2010

    There are many actually, but major one is "Lack of vision".
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberApr 26, 2010

    If someone starts something for earning Money and nothing else , then the start up is going to fail , no matter how much skilled the person may be!
    This is my opinion..

    Next , if we start something which may not be different but which is solving some social problem etc , then the start up will not fail , money is secondary if it is taken as primary goal then there is a more likely change to fail..

    For example the counting machine is something which helped many bankers to count the cash fast.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberApr 28, 2010

    Not Agreed ES !!! No offence means.

    Prime reason for everybody to start a company is making money only.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberApr 29, 2010

    One has to be patience and ambitious for a start-up, patience needed to sustain in harder times and ambition gives vision and ignites the fire to move on.As for money,there is room for have to search it!!!As for social problems....NGO's are mushrooming!!!
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  • Red Hawk

    MemberMay 3, 2010

    There are many reasons for a failure during a startup.
    1. Lack of sufficient knowledge about that particular business
    2. Lack of good guidance
    3. Over Expectation
    4. Lack of cash flow
    5. Lack of vision and ambition
    These are some of the reasons why many startups fail. If we decide to start a business, we have to be ready to sacrifice anything to succeed. Sometimes after failing in one or two attempts, we will succeed in the third attempt. Patience is an important quality that should be developed by all wannabe entrepreneurs.

    No offense ES. But business has nothing to do with social welfare. Some businesses help in welfare of the society but all business are not started to provide a better use to the society. For example there are many gambling centers around the world. there, they play poker with millions and millions of cash. I don't think there is any welfare to the society from these gamble centers. but their business is flourishing everyday.

    For a startup to succeed, one must have a clear vision, ambition and perseverance. This is my opinion.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMay 6, 2010

    A clarification here , Social problem i meant is a problem faced by society!! It may not be some thing that NGO does, its a problem which world is facing/about to face!

    The low power consuming lights, fans and all electrical devices are getting popular, this is a problem faced. I meant these kind of problems!
    Sorry for the confusion!!

    But again if the prime focus is on earning money startup will fail , it will not only if the above mentioned factors by Red Hawk are fine.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberMay 9, 2010

    Energy saving methods are need of the hour,and a necessity,it more of a need than a requirement.

    A clarification here , Social problem i meant is a problem faced by society!! It may not be some thing that NGO does, its a problem which world is facing/about to face!

    The low power consuming lights, fans and all electrical devices are getting popular, this is a problem faced. I meant these kind of problems!
    Sorry for the confusion!!

    But again if the prime focus is on earning money startup will fail , it will not only if the above mentioned factors by Red Hawk are fine.
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 9, 2010

    1.Mostly They tend to over commit.
    2.Lack of highly talented or skilled professionals.
    3.They can do the project but not with in a schedule or budget.

    But again if the prime focus is on earning money startup will fail
    that is true.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 9, 2010

    Great points, everyone 😀 . Lack of talented/skilled professionals is a big reason for startup failure. Lot of techies fall for 'big company' trap than innovating in a smaller, startup company.
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberMay 10, 2010

    Some more of these -
    1. Lack of a sustainable business model
    2. Team splitting apart
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  • durga ch

    MemberMay 11, 2010

    I don't really agree that all high skilledctechies fall for big companies.For eg: consider the company "incture technology". It was started up as a collaboration of IITians and NITians.
    I believe the strength of a start up lies in giving all it takes to stabilize it. be it people power or extra working hours or extrovert attitude which is needed to promote the company
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberMay 11, 2010

    please elaborate more on extra working hours or extrovert attitude.

    I don't really agree that all high skilledctechies fall for big companies.For eg: consider the company "incture technology". It was started up as a collaboration of IITians and NITians.
    I believe the strength of a start up lies in giving all it takes to stabilize it. be it people power or extra working hours or extrovert attitude which is needed to promote the company
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