Member • Feb 19, 2014
Facebook WhatsApp Acquisition Happens - What's Your Opinion?
Oops !
Let me correct that, Quite possible from now onwards they will be addicted to applications from only one company. Yes, you got it right. SEC (Security and Exchange Commission, USA) confirmed, one company has plans to acquire the another and already filed the .
The Companies are ...
In the Year's one of the biggest deal till now, Facebook has plans to acquire WhatsApp in $16 Billion. Out of these 16 billion, 4 billion would be on cash and another 12 billion dollars will be in form of Facebook stocks. An additional $3 billion in restricted stock may also be given to the WhatsApp staff.
Just to see the stats -
WhatsApp is a leading and rapidly growing real-time mobile messaging service that has:
- 450 + million people using the service each month; more surprisingly 70% of those people are active on a given day;
- Since last few months they have seen, more than 1 million new registered users per day.
Do you think WhatsApp will prove it's worth to Facebook in 19 Billion USD?
Let us know your reaction on this?