  • Facebook is soon unveiling a new Unfollow button that will help users to stop receiving feed from their friends they are following. It is a way to filter the news feed appearing on your timeline. Currently, we have Facebook's "Hide All" button that lets you remain Facebook friends with someone while hiding their updates from your News Feed. If a friend posts really boring or annoying content, you could just shut his posts out without actually clicking unfriend button for him or her. With the goal to provide users with the content on their timelines they actually care about and want to see, the concept of Unfollow is going to be introduced soon.

    Just like Twitter's or Instagram's Unfollow option, now following and unfollowing is going to be an integral part of Facebook Life. Next to the “Like” button in profiles, Facebook will also show users whether they're following someone (this will show up on on individual user profiles and on company Pages). On Facebook, you can already unfollow news organizations and people you are following but are not friends with. The ability to unfollow all users will simply standardize the language across the site.

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    In a recent news feed tweak, Facebook is trying to make news feed more relevant. "The goal of News Feed is to show the right content to the right people at the right time, whether it's from a close friend or a news source halfway across the world," wrote Varun Kacholia, Facebook engineering manager, and Minwen Ji, a Facebook software engineer. "Today's update to News Feed ranking recognizes that people want to see more relevant news and what their friends have to say about it."

    Even the comment stories will be built for you now. While Facebook is trying to show more articles people want to read, they also don't want people to miss the conversations among their friends. So they're updating #-Link-Snipped-# to highlight stories with new comments. After people read a story, they are unlikely to go back and find that story again to see what their friends were saying about it, and it wouldn't bump up in News Feed. With this update stories will occasionally resurface that have new comments from friends.

    The world's largest social network is constantly tweaking its newsfeed or timeline as we call it. The main page users look at on Facebook has to be clutter free. Users don't want to see advertising, they want to read news that is relevant to them coming from the walls of people they care about or are in other words "following". So, are you eager to have it on your profiles? - How do you like the new Unfollow button on Facebook?
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