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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 17, 2013

    external hard disk is not detected by the computer after the error 'window-delayed error' problem is shown by the hdd??? pls tell me the solution asap...
    It's very difficult to guess the right solution to the problem from the information you've provided. How about writing some more information like -

    1. What operating system you are using?
    2. How are you connecting your external HDD to your computer?
    3. Which brand/make is the HDD?
    4. Could you write the exact error message and maybe the steps to reproduce the error?
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 17, 2013

    Could you write the exact error message and maybe the steps to reproduce the error?
    Its better if you could get us a screenshot of it. Better to save time.
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  • Ravi13

    MemberAug 18, 2013

    window xp, through data cable,it's brand is 'seagate'
    & the error msg is 'window delayed write failed error message '
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 18, 2013

    window xp, through data cable,it's brand is 'seagate'
    & the error msg is 'window delayed write failed error message '
    Cool. Run the checkdisk utility on the hard drive. Its better if you do it in safe mode.Use /r parameter and do checkdisk in command prompt. It might take about 2 hours.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 18, 2013

    I'd suspect a hardware problem. Does the hard drive work well with other computers? Did you try connecting it to any other system?

    Update: I searched online and found that this could be a virus problem. Check this out: #-Link-Snipped-#

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