  • Guys,
    I dedicate this thread to all the ethical hackers in CE to teach their skills to the avid learners.. ! Please share some methods and stuffs..! below..!
    Don't provide links..! Type in please..! So a larger extent of lazy people(including me) can learn..! 😀
    Thank you..! 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 11, 2012

    The following link is basically all about Ethically Hacking your computer -

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  • Preeti :)

    MemberAug 11, 2012

    I too want to learn ethical hacking..i have tried so many times...but all time i wasn't satisfied you can help me i will be grateful to you 😀
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberAug 12, 2012

    Preeti :)
    i wasn't satisfied 😀
    Not Satisfied with what?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 12, 2012

    I really wish to know whether people 'really' want to learn Ethical Hacking. Ethical hacking is all about applying simple tips and tricks to make your compter work the way you want.

    I get ~2-3 requests per week through email or conversation requesting help on hacking facebook, gmail and yahoo accounts 'to help a friend who's in deep problem'. The only thing I end up suggesting is to contact the police and seek legal help.

    Trust me, the 'hacking' you're thinking of requires deep and genuine interest in understanding computer systems and networks. Because if you want to 'break' into any system - you're going to understand that system and the loopholes as well.

    People spent years learning that and no course in the world will ever teach you how it's done.
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  • ajay0535

    MemberAug 13, 2012

    sir, i heard about the backtrack os, were we can find the tools for hacking is it ture????
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberAug 13, 2012

    sir, i heard about the backtrack os, were we can find the tools for hacking is it ture????
    Tools don't make hackers, but hackers make them solely for assistance. If you're going on that track, become a hacker not a skid.

    If you assume that you'll just download backtrack & click some buttons to hack something, it doesn't work like that.
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  • slashfear

    MemberAug 31, 2012

    Hi Ajay,

    Everyone cannot be an ELITE hacker and start creating there own tools... it does require some skills and in depth knowledge but you can become an Skid..but that also you need to know how it works and where it works and yes BackTrack is kool OS specially designed for hackers.....and YES it does have tools to hack (been using it for longtime and BackTrack 5 R3 is totally kool) but without knowing how to use the tools its just another UNIX OS

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  • Rahul Jamgade

    MemberSep 23, 2012

    Hi Guys,

    Hacking is like exploring possibilities of a system so that it behaves the way it should not. Getting a software or OS does not make you hacker.One need to have good understanding of the subject under consideration. It includes OS,application, databases,TCP/IP, different protocols, cryptography,fundamentals of networking and to certain level of coding.
    Also it falls under the category of unathorised access to systems or data,it attracts severe penalties and punishments. In India, it falls under IT ACT 2000, which is very tough and could lead to jail sentence. Hence though it looks lucrative, but one need to understand the consequences. You can learn it only to safeguard you, your organization and your family.
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  • Shivani.bhupal

    MemberSep 24, 2012

    I really wish to know whether people 'really' want to learn Ethical Hacking. Ethical hacking is all about applying simple tips and tricks to make your compter work the way you want.

    I get ~2-3 requests per week through email or conversation requesting help on hacking facebook, gmail and yahoo accounts 'to help a friend who's in deep problem'. The only thing I end up suggesting is to contact the police and seek legal help.

    Trust me, the 'hacking' you're thinking of requires deep and genuine interest in understanding computer systems and networks. Because if you want to 'break' into any system - you're going to understand that system and the loopholes as well.

    People spent years learning that and no course in the world will ever teach you how it's done.
    I am a beginner on this concept of hacking...And i am really seroiusly interested in CYBER CRIME and CYBER SECURITY.Can you please guide me that how should i proceed.
    I cannot take any proper course at time .I can only learn through internet as im already doing B.TECH CSE and i am in 2nd year.
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  • Shivani.bhupal

    MemberSep 24, 2012

    I am a beginner on this concept of hacking...And i am really seroiusly interested in CYBER CRIME and CYBER SECURITY.Can you please guide me that how should i proceed.
    I cannot take any proper course at time .I can only learn through internet as im already doing B.TECH CSE and i am in 2nd year.
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  • Rahul Jamgade

    MemberSep 24, 2012

    I am a beginner on this concept of hacking...And i am really seroiusly interested in CYBER CRIME and CYBER SECURITY.Can you please guide me that how should i proceed.
    I cannot take any proper course at time .I can only learn through internet as im already doing B.TECH CSE and i am in 2nd year.
    First you need to have understanding of the IT infrastructure, therefore study Networking fundamentals, followed by systems and OS fundamentals including protocols and their weakness. How web works , how Databases works, some web based programming language. Study protocols that are secure vs insecure. Its very complicated, you need to have good knowledge of systems and applications before you understand cyber crime attacks . Will take sometime to understand it.
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  • Shivani.bhupal

    MemberSep 24, 2012

    First you need to have understanding of the IT infrastructure, therefore study Networking fundamentals, followed by systems and OS fundamentals including protocols and their weakness. How web works , how Databases works, some web based programming language. Study protocols that are secure vs insecure. Its very complicated, you need to have good knowledge of systems and applications before you understand cyber crime attacks . Will take sometime to understand it.
    Thankyou so much for your reply..
    Can you please suggest me some website about hacking...I just want to surf and gain some knowledge along with basics as you said.
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  • Rabirabi

    MemberSep 26, 2012

    i think this site will help u:
    just register yourself & enjoy learning 😀
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