Member • Dec 22, 2011
Entrepreneurs Are Problem Solvers
I think after a few years into entrepreneurship and knowing other entrepreneurs; it all seems to be about problem solving. If the problems does not exist; we identify it (or say, create it!) and then we go about solving them! Let me make my point with an example: Steve Jobs!
Steve Jobs first created a problem that people need to carry their music collection wherever they go. But SONY (I think) had already solved that problem with their 'Walkman'. So Steve Jobs went on finding another problem with personal music players; that is 'design', 'ease of use' & 'storage capacity'. Then came the iPod - beautifully designed devices with an interface even an idiot can use. iPod revived Apple company and turned Steve an icon for the people. Then he did the same to the phone. Then to the tablets. Now, maybe for the TVs.
Bottom Line: Entrepreneurs create or identify problems. Then solve it. In the process, make money for themselves and create wealth for large number of people.
What are your thoughts?