Engineers Automate The Royal Shakespeare Theater

The Royal Shakespeare Company has been totally renovated and it now has a novel automated environment to cater to all the bizarre demands of its home theatre at Stratford/Avon. The unique design of the theater posed certain challenges, but the solution RSC came up with was equally innovative, allowing them to meet all requirements of their constantly changing play-schedule.


Putting up the set designs of one of the world's leading performance companies would be a tedious task for any theater. And adding to this, the RSC on many occasions stages at least two or even three plays a day, which means that all the setups and the necessary props need to be changed in a small amount of time. And by design, the theater resembles an auditorium, so that made the automation process a tad more challenging. Too many props on stage would block the audience's visibility for sure, and keeping this in mind the engineers devised a way where the small props could pop-up or go down when and where required, being absent for the remaining period of time. Flexibility, speed of the system and the perfect hues- all this was catered to while building up the system. Also, winches were installed that hauled about 120 cable-lines over the stage. Then to amplify the theatrics, hydraulic and pneumatic drives have been installed too, by UK-based company Control Techniques. And the drives are so programmed that they were able to communicate through other drives via an internet module.

To know more, watch the video #-Link-Snipped-#.


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