eLegs - Robotic Legs for paraplegics

eLegs is an exoskeleton for wheel*chair users. It powers you up to get you standing and walking.

The battery-powered, rechargeable system includes a backpack-mounted controller, robotic legs with motorized hips and knee joints, and crutches that employ a gesture-based human-machine interface and sensors to observe the wearer's gestures and respond accordingly. Velcro straps, backpack-style clips, and shoulder straps secure eLegs to users over their clothing and everyday shoes.

Watch the video where: Amanda Boxtel stands and walks for the first time in 18 years using eLegs, a 45-pound wearable robotic exoskeleton aimed at getting paraplegics out of their wheelchairs and onto their feet. It's an amazing sight.


"To take my first step in the eLegs was just astounding," Boxtel says with tears in her eyes, "because I bent my knee for the first time in 18 years and I placed my heel on the ground. And then I transferred my weight. And then I took another step. And another one. And it was so natural, and that was what really gripped me."

The good news is that:
Berkeley Bionics CEO Eythor Bender says the company is hoping to make the eLegs system available for around $50,000--about half the cost of current high-end wheelchairs.
Source: Cnet News.


  • durga ch
    durga ch
    what more than bringing a smail on their faces 😀, engineering at best!
  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    Yes! Thats one of the major reasons I posted this news here. 😀

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