  • A lot has been said but nothing much has been done about this topic. I know this is not one of those interesting topics on which anyone and everyone has to have an opinion but I think most of us here at CE should care about it.

    I for one always wanted to be an outstanding (standing out of the class) student but couldnot because of the attendance norm. So I used to while away significant amount of my time in the classroom in writing silly poetry (I may publish it on CE someday on popular demand 😛 ) or just scribbling some messages for my friend at the back of the notebook. The only thing I was concerned about was time. I used to wait eagerly for the class to get over. I used to feel real sense of achievement on answering the roll call. The relief of having gone through another hour of monologue without getting caught for not being attentive was huge. And I was endowed with enough of such chances throughout my engineering years. I must say that this was the case with only a few professors... we had some great teachers as well!

    Agreed that I was an irresponsible student (although my marksheets never reflected the same) who didn't deserve to be in the class, who did not use the opportunity to learn in the best possible way and all other such argurments. But isn't it the teachers duty as well to keep the students interested? Why should the students who (or whose parents) cough up huge sums (read 50,000 +) as tution fees every year be compulsarily made to attend a stipulated amount of lectures? As an adult do the students don't have that much sense of responsibility? Isn't there a basic flaw in our mode of instruction?? I would like at least some of you to share your views on this. I have a lot more to say but I guess after having made such scathing remarks on monologuous lectures I shouldn't make this post the same.
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  • crook

    MemberApr 16, 2007

    Good topic to post my 300th post !!

    I fully agree with the title of this thread! KGV, your story is not different! Indeed, I spent most of my time out of the classes (outstanding 😉 ) and I dreaded getting caught for not attending the lectures.

    First of all, the topic of discussion (debate?) is too generic. The questions that you posed, present a little part of the big picture - the screwed up education system. It is no doubt the teachers responsibility to make sure that the students are attentive. But let's look at the root problem!

    Why do most of the Indians get into Engineering? Don't tell me, "For the love of Engineering"! Engineering colleges are the factories of producing engineers who can get a job with awesome threesome IT companies in India. Therefore, for 90% of the students, the aim is to get 'out' of the college in 4 years and manage enough marks so that they are allowed to appear for the campus interviews.

    Look at the examination system! Do you really have to use your head to clear those engineering exams? I doubt if anyone will say yes. Its just a way to test if you can 'reproduce' the text that's written in the textbooks. Do they make you think? Do they leave a room for 'imagination' ? NO !

    That's my friend, is the problem. Assuming consensus (too early?) that the education system needs a revamp, can we suggest a solution for the problem?

    ps: Waiting for your poetry
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 16, 2007

    education needs a revamp .... whats the debate about it ... we are still learning bjt when they aint used any more ....

    the biggest stupidity which i feel is the journals/files ... such a wastage of time and its just a freaking formality .... even teachers know it and these files give them the needed authority to trouble students by giving them long assignments at the 12th hour and then make a fuss whiole signing them ....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 16, 2007

    In my opinion, this thread will generate more value if we start discussing the problem. I agree with crook's points. Well put, crook! 😀

    We had a similar discussion few months ago in following thread -

    So, solutions, anyone?

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 16, 2007


    experiments to be performed, all text should be printed .... no need for students to make un-necessary graphs (15-20 graphs/subject)

    75% be brought down to 60%

    the entire syllabus be re-worked ... extc enggs dont need to know applied mechanics (& also drawing)... what am i supposed to do with the time taken by 2 stones thrown up ... all i should be doing is making sure they dont fall on my head

    the syllabus should be more up-to date and be set with consultation of the companies that recruit

    40 be brought to 30 ... grace should be 10/subject .... i guess so much is good as of today 😁

    Look at the examination system! Do you really have to use your head to clear those engineering exams? I doubt if anyone will say yes.
    well i tend to dis-agree with that to an extent ... mathematical subjects which are 1 too many do require u to run your head ... besides ya i agree if had eaten the badams my mum used to give me .... i would have been doing very good
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  • Rocker

    MemberApr 16, 2007

    I bet the problem is universal. Here in NZ too, the education system needs a rework. Crook clearly pointed out the problems with the system. I'd not comment on the colleges though. As discussed somewhere on the forum, I think finance should be taught to kids too. Which could start from how to manage the pocket money.
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberApr 18, 2007

    I would like to agree yet disagree with almost all the points mentioned in above threads. I basically dont like to debate on topics that are not really in my hand. But then how many things are really in your hand? 😁 (lol) I would like to put my views in following points:

    Further to Crook's point,😲 I think majority of the education systems in the world are driven by the demand of the skilled labor in the market. If there are 1000 vacancies for an engineer and 1 for an english graduate, you as a student are more likely to go for engineering studies despite being a good orator. As a government, you would rather promote engineering colleges, because thats what the industry demands. So I dont think its the fault of education system as such. Ask your fore fathers and you will get your answers.

    KGV, compulsion to attend colleges is not a flaw in the education system. If college expected you not to attend the classes, they would rather encourage correspondance courses. And people like you should have done that. Colleges give you a platform to learn under the guidance of experienced professors. We should appreciate that. Although not all professors are worth respecting, agreed.

    Now whether an ETC guy should learn mechanics or not is the decision of the guys who decide upon the curriculum and I would agree that unnecessary subjects to be scrapped. Every thing else is not worth mentioning.

    I think freedom to choose our own field as per our liking should be given to us. Having said that, we shouldn't be worrying about the opportunities in the market.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 18, 2007

    So I dont think its the fault of education system as such. Ask your fore fathers and you will get your answers.
    ??? 😒
    KGV, compulsion to attend colleges is not a flaw in the education system. If college expected you not to attend the classes, they would rather encourage correspondance courses. And people like you should have done that.
    my dad's the 1 who is paying the fees, im the 1 who is going to college, the college is there to teach us not to force us to learn or enforce learning upon us .... if my dad is aware that im not going to college who the hell is the college to tell me to attend compulsarily ...
    Colleges give you a platform to learn under the guidance of experienced professors. We should appreciate that.
    .... if the teacher has earned the respect of the students by his teaching ability the students will automatically attend ... ask our fore fathers they will tell if the teacher is worth listening to every1 will go 😉 I appreciate the fact that the college provides me a platform ... now its my discretion wheter i use the platform or no ...

    indian idol people dont tell contestants to compulsarily participate ... who wants to make use of the platform may do so .... and if some1 doesnt wish he should have the freedom not to ... having said that these teachers will make use of their submission authority to harass students who did not attend their lectures ... so if attendance is relaxed the submissions also have to be done away with else its of no use

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 18, 2007

    Can we make a difference over here? Instead of just debating and proving each other wrong (or right), how about posting practical ways of implementing the changes that you think the education system needs?

    So, let us come up with Problem & Solution type of replies. May not be easy, but should give our brain a good exercise.

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 18, 2007

    with all due respect practical measures have been posted
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  • Mayhem

    MemberApr 22, 2007

    My take on the Indian education system is that it should be more flexible. We should be allowed to pick which subjects we want to do rather than have the college assign us a specific stream rt from the begining. Even when we do the
    labs the ephasis should be more on learning rather than just gettin the experiment done. Furthermore i feel that projects and papers should be given a lot more importance than examinations as they help foster creativity which i feel is very important.
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  • th3 ied kid

    MemberApr 26, 2007

    am too a last bencher and am surely fed-up with the cram job am posted with!Well agreed that attendence requirements foster good atmosphere in classrooms but is that a requisite coz students wont attend otherwise? Well am not surprised to see more chaos in lecturers notes than in subject that they teach ! Not all of those subjects intrest me and neither my likes match with those of my class mates! I know life aint supposed to be a fary tale but atleast some changes would place in a better image of Indian education system.Well mine is a Deemed Univ. and a little bit of pet guy does the grade job but i hate that and i rather believe in work for grade if you are intrested only! Grade should'nt graduate the amount of knowldge earned!

    Well the next thing i see is to change the examination system! Plug in 1 on 1 Viva for written exams for most subjects posted in first year!I believe that would be a better mechanism to derive the knowldge in my/anybody's mind! Next put in minimal subjects and give loads of options! Destroy pass-fail equation and rather give grades that too in terms of factors like:

    1-Number of personal projects submitted
    2- initiatives for innovation right from the student
    3-Intrest shown in the subject
    4-delete all outdated subject matters when they dont make any sense keeping.
    5-Place the student in practical situations directly and go 4 a problem for solution approach(i define it below) than a solution for problem approach.
    what i mean by this is ask the student to seek solution first and then place your (teacher's) problem depending on his solution!

    also pals as am only in first year and my solutions could look narrow coz of inexperiance! please add more to this and edit this if need be and post it soon!
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberApr 26, 2007

    Mayhem and Kid,

    Good posts. Considering that you guys are very new to the forum, this is good value addition.

    I agree with the point made by Biggie that we are here to discuss and put our views ahead, not to debate over some one else's posts. however I have absolutely no objection if people enjoy doing that.

    I think we need to speak more about how are we going t add value in the education system. Of course we all know there might be flaws in it. But what are we going to do about it here? Mere putting down points will not help. I think this is another flaw in the system. Our school taught us to debate and argue, but not to change and innovate. ironically, even today we are doing the same.

    Your take!
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 26, 2007

    everything is not hunky dory .... points are put forward and practical feasibility and effect has to be discussed ... thts what this section is about ... now if i give a suggesstion doesnt mean it has to be implemented it has to discussed and debated upon to see if there is a possibility of something better or no ... just cant keep on giving points without discussing them ... for God sake this is the debate section
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  • crook

    MemberMay 1, 2007

    Really good posts!! 😁 To be honest, this thread shouldn't have been opened in the debate section 😉.

    Debates are endless; for I can counter points made by others. Probably we should think about the basic aim of education. Is to to impart the technical knowledge? Or is it to make us think & innovate (as mayurpathak said). I think its actually the combination of both.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 1, 2007

    Debates are endless; for I can counter points made by others.
    quite true but that doesnt mean that we debate just for the sake of it ... such debates should be approached with an open mind and if a valid statement is put forward it should be accepted not fought upon coz the other person has been proved wrong

    if u are countering try coming up with specific statements and not just statements like u should do correspondance
    Probably we should think about the basic aim of education. Is to to impart the technical knowledge? Or is it to make us think & innovate (as mayurpathak said). I think its actually the combination of both.
    if we are made to think then we innovate using the technical knowledge ... so its first thinking then innovation and then technical knowledge not just technical knowledge of how a transistor works and then its upto the student after his engg how and where he uses the transistor
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberMay 3, 2007

    so its first thinking then innovation and then technical knowledge not just technical knowledge of how a transistor works and then its upto the student after his engg how and where he uses the transistor
    I agree to you this time around. Look at simple things around you, may it be the chair you are sitting on or the lock that you operate every day with the help of a crooked key. Most of these things, however simple they might seem, were invented when there was no proper schooling or a formal education pattern. I'm begining to wonder whther this process oriented formal way of educating us has hindered our ability to think creatively and innovatively? If we are meant to believe the same thing over and over again, without us having to spend time to actually find it out, the knowledge resource will soon be approaching redundancy.

    Your call!
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 3, 2007

    I'm begining to wonder whther this process oriented formal way of educating us has hindered our ability to think creatively and innovatively? If we are meant to believe the same thing over and over again, without us having to spend time to actually find it out, the knowledge resource will soon be approaching redundancy.

    Your call!
    finally u have understood what im trying to imply ... however it cannot be simply done away with coz it is actually telling us about others' experience but the way it is told and the way it is expected to accepted is what is wrong
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