Member • Jun 11, 2012
ECIL GET-2012 exam for CSE
1)Exam consists of 50 questions,total questions belong to their respective branches
2)Every correct answer fetches 3 marks and every worng answer 1 mark deducted
3)Total quetions are multiple choice quetions
4)There are no aptitude questions.
5)Total marks 150.
here i am posting some questions what i remembered.
1)they gave some inorder traversal for a binary tree and asked for preorder of binary tree ?
2)No.of bytes in IP4 and IP6? 4 and 16 bytes
3)int main()
int i;
return 0;
output of the program? It will go to infinite loop
4)question regarding sub net mask
5)function calling itself directly or indirectly called ? Recursion
6)A list consists 100 numbers they used selection sort for sorting in first loop after completing 42 iterations how many numbers are there in exact positions?42
7)code coverge belongs to which testing?
8)Range of long double?
9) FFFF is a signed integer then its equivalent decimal value? -1
10)In cyclic redundency check CRC is?
a)remainder b)quetionet c)divident
11)c program output quetion related to call by reference?
12)what is isotope?equal number of protons
13)which of the followimg is not used in IPC(inter process communication) mechanism?
a)mailbox b)stack c)semaphore d)pipe
14)in which data structure we can insert elemnets in either ends but not in middle?
a)linked list b)stack c)queue d)dquee
15)Go-Back-N protocol is used for sending 10 data packets howmany acknowledge ments are expexts?
a)1 b)5 c)10 d)all of the above
16)to count the number of rows in a table which command is used? count()
17)with a structer pointer which operator is used to access the structer variable?
a) . b)* c)& d)->
18) c program output they give enum datatype
19)uml diagram
20)dbms which diagram are used to represent entity and relation ships
21)which of the foolwing is not functionalty of transport layer according to ISO/OSI layer?
a)segmentation b)routing c)service point addressing
Most of the questions they asked from c,c++ and DS out of 50 18 questions are came form these 3 only.